Saturday, July 4, 2020

Why I made this blog

Shenmue 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games ever. When they were released, I was young and just getting into martial arts. The martial arts aspect to the series was part of why I was so drawn to it.

When Shenmue 3 was announced after some 15 years of waiting, I was hyped. I was purposely avoiding reading any news about to keep the experience fresh when I finally got to play it. Then the game got delayed a bunch of times and I ended up forgetting about it until a few months after it had already come out. I bought it, but I have zero desire to play it (especially given some of my fellow Shenmue fans' experiences with the game).

I haven't consistently trained in martial arts for a few years now. It was way easier to be consistent at it when I was younger and had no real responsibilities, but work, life, and laziness got in the way. I've fallen on and off the martial arts wagon as many times as Shenmue 3 got delayed. 2020 was the year when I was going to commit to training regularly, but the COVID-19 happened and all the gyms closed down.

In this blog I'll examine the fighting moves from the Shenmue series and compare how the in-game version stacks up against the moves' real-life equivalent. I hope to accomplish two things with this blog: to keep my mind active in studying martial arts even if I can't physically train with anybody and to hopefully reignite my passion for Shenmue. If anybody reads this and enjoys it, that's just a bonus.

The name of this blog is a stupid pun because I couldn't think of a better name.


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